Justice By Jury

If you have received a jury summons, you must request to be excused or to postpone your term of service as soon as you become aware of a conflict. An individual may be excused if the judge finds that either the juror's health or family responsibilities reasonably require his or her absence. The law does not allow a juror to be excused because of occupation or employment. A request must state the nature of your conflict or hardship. You must appear in person in the courtroom unless the court has excused you.

As discussed more thoroughly in this section, as a juror it is your duty to base your verdict on only the evidence you hear in court and upon the law based on the judge’s instructions. It is the judge's duty to instruct you correctly as to the law in each case. You are the “fact-finder.” Based on the evidence and testimony, you will decide what the facts are in the case. The judge will give you instructions on the law. You will apply the facts to the law.

Important: The information on this website is not intended to take the place of the instructions given by the judge in any case.  Should you see a conflict, the trial judge's instructions will prevail.