September 9, 2020
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Justice Rhonda Wood
New ‘Lady Justice: Women of the Court’ Podcast Features Women Supreme Court Justices From Four States
The Arkansas Supreme Court is excited to announce a multi-state Supreme Court public education effort.
In a new podcast, Lady Justice: Women of the Court, Justices Rhonda Wood of Arkansas, Bridget McCormack (Chief Justice) of Michigan, Eva Guzman of Texas, and Beth Walker of West Virginia discuss the law and its real-world implications.
“Civics education is key to an informed and engaged citizenry. This podcast is our latest effort to give the public insight into how the judicial branch of government operates,” says Arkansas Supreme Court Chief Justice Dan Kemp.
“When we talk about ‘the Constitution’ or ‘the Supreme Court,’ people are generally referring to the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court,” says Arkansas Supreme Court Justice Rhonda Wood. “Yet so many aspects of our daily lives are governed by our state’s laws and our state’s constitution.”
The Lady Justice: Women of the Court podcast will focus on our nation’s state courts. That is where the vast majority of cases, more than 90 percent, are heard. If they are appealed, state courts often serve as the final arbiters on the issues that are raised.
The podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and in other podcasting apps. It can also be found at:
The first episode premieres on Constitution Day, Sept. 17, with a discussion about state constitutions. The series and episode trailers are available now and the public can subscribe.
Residents of the United States all live under the U.S. Constitution, but every state also has its own constitution. These written documents can vary rather significantly from state to state. Some were adopted more than a century ago while others are only a few decades old. In some states, citizens are granted the power to amend or revise the constitution while in other states this is not possible.
“We learn about these differences as each justice discusses the characteristics of her state’s own constitution,” says Justice Wood who leads the discussion.
The next episode will explore each justice’s journey to the Supreme Court and their personal experiences. The justices hope listeners will get to know them as people outside of the courtroom. The views expressed on the podcast at the justices’ alone and not the views of their respective courts. The podcast is produced by the Arkansas Supreme Court’s Public Education Program.