Court Reporters

Titlesort ascending City State Zip Status
Donna L. Wood Lonoke AR 72086 Active
Donna Kelso Little Rock AR 72207 Active
Donna J. Rhodes Hope AR 71801 Inactive - Section 13 Rules
Donna J. Graham Bryant AR 72022 Deceased
Donna J. Blackwood Hot Springs AR 71902 Retired
Donna F. Watkins Hope AR 71801 Active
Docie Johnson Jonesboro AR 72404 Retired
Dianne Gibson Jonesboro AR 72401 Active - Discipline by Consent February 9, 2015 - Violation of Section 11 of the Rule and Sections 19(c), 19(d) and 19(e) of the Regulations
Dianne Briggs Russellville AR 72811 Active
Dianne Amis Malvern AR 72104 Retired
Dianna Dunn Fayetteville AR 72704 Active
Diane T. Clark Covington LA 70435 Active
Dennis Mickels Vilonia AR 72173 Active
Dennis L. Pierce LeRoy MI 49655 Retired
Dennis K. Johnson Dallas TX 75242 Retired
Denise Mack Little Rock AR 72210 Active
Denise Lynn Mulliken West Fork AR 82884 Active
Della Lu Tyson Little Rock AR 72207 Expired Certificate - Section 9, Regulations
Delia J. Foster Fayetteville AR 72701 Active
Dee Ann Adkins De Kalb TX 75559 Active
Debra Garver Oklahoma City OK 73159 Expired Certificate - Section 9 Regulations
Debra C. Green Fort Smith AR 72908 Retired
Debra A. Westmoreland LittleRock AR 72201 Active
Deborah Lee Lowery Bastrop LA 71220 Active
Deborah Johnson Little Rock AR 72206 Active
Deborah D. Hall Searcy AR 72143 Discipline by consent; Voluntary Surrender of License, approved by Supreme Court on November 16, 2023, violation of Section 19 of the Regulations of the Board of Certified Court Reporter Examiners
Deborah Ann Whillock Clinton AR 72031 Active
Deborah (Debi) Reinhardt Owasso OK 74055 Active
Debbye L. Petre Sherwood AR 72116 Active
Debbie Worthington Little Rock AR 72223 Active
Debbie Henley Pace FL 32571 Active
DeAnne M. Renken Mascoutah IL 62258 Voluntary Surrender
Deann Williams Poteau OK 74953 Retired
Dawn Michele Dunscomb AR Active
Dawn Frederick Crawford Hensley AR 72065 Active
David Herman Ryles Ratcliff AR 72951 Deceased
David H. Edwards Carlisle Arkansas 72024 Active
Darlene Taylor Young Rogers AR 72756 Retired - Voluntary Surrender
Darcy Turner Pineville AR 72566 Suspended - Section 9 Regulations 4/20/2024
Dana R. Saylor Fayetteville AR 72703 Inactive - Section 13 Rules
