Court Reporters

Title Citysort ascending State Zip Status
Teresa Cornell Royal AR 71968 Deceased
Jana L. Hawley Royal AR 71968 Active
Stefani Simmons Rossville Tennessee 38066 Active
Robin E. Johnson Roland AR 72135 Deceased
Sarah L. Flynn Roland Arkansas 72135 Active
Sharon Earls Roland AR 72135 Retired
Darlene Taylor Young Rogers AR 72756 Retired - Voluntary Surrender
Leah C. Ball Rogers AR 72756 Active
Richard Fourt Rogers AR 72756 Active
Kenneth W. Dover Rogers AR 72756 Retired
Sheila B. Alexander Rogers AR 72756 Active
Theresa Sawyer Rogers AR 72758 Active
Janis J. McLeod Rogers AR 72758 Active
David Herman Ryles Ratcliff AR 72951 Deceased
Lexie Skinner Quitman AR 72131 Active
Dana Beck Quitman AR 72131 Active - Discipline by Consent February 9, 2015 - Violation of Section 11 of the Rule and violation of Section 6, Section 19(b), 19(c), 19(d), 19(e)(5) and Section 20 of the Regulations
Skye Wright Quitman AR 72131 Active
Amy K. May Prescott AR 71857 Suspended - Section 9 Regulations 4/20/2024
Cohen R. Copeland Prairie Grove AR 72753 Active
Glenda Hawley Woods Prairie Grove AR 72753 Active
Melanie Heath Poughkeepsie AR 72569 Active
Lauren Bryant Pottsville AR 72858 Active
Deann Williams Poteau OK 74953 Retired
Sandy R. Stewart Portageville MO 63873 Active
Retta Brittain Pocola OK 74902 Active
Kathleen Throesch Pocahontas AR 72455 Retired
Joyce A. Wheeler Pocahontas AR 72455 Active
Marsha L. Bailey Warner Pocahontas AR 72455 Active
Karla Joan Jackson Plano TX 75075 Inactive - Section 13 Rules
Kendra Rowland Finch Plano TX 75023 Expired Certificate - Section 9, Regulations
Michelle Y. Smith Plainview AR 72857 Inactive - Section 13 Rules
Elizabeth D. Harkey Pittsburg TX 75686 Active
Darcy Turner Pineville AR 72566 Suspended - Section 9 Regulations 4/20/2024
Jerry R. Lawson Pine Bluff AR 71603 Retired - Voluntary Surrender 2.26.2024
Nevelyn Smith Pine Bluff AR 71611 Active
Ruby J. Watts Pine Bluff AR 71602 Active
Sandra K. Starnes Pine Bluff AR 71603 Retired - Voluntary Surrender 2.13.23
Phoebe C. Spharler Pine Bluff AR 71603 Retired
Nancy A. Lindsay Pine Bluff AR 71603 Retired
Maria A. Lafferty Pine Bluff AR 71603 Retired
