Court Reporters

Title Citysort descending State Zip Status
Deborah Johnson Little Rock AR 72206 Active
Lauren M. Edwards Little Rock AR 72207 Voluntary Surrender
Michelle (Shelley) Keeland Little Rock AR 72211 Active
Neva J. Warford Little Rock AR 72207 Discipline by consent; Voluntary Surrender of License, approved by Supreme Court on March 2, 2023, violation of Section 19 (a) of the Regulations of the Board of Certified Court Reporter Examiners
Meredith Pinkstone Little Rock AR 72212 Retired
Sue Pruett Little Rock AR 72210 Deceased
Raymia Baucom Knestrict Little Rock AR 72223 Retired
Amanda B. Poe Little Rock AR 72201 Active
Susan B. Whitson Little Rock Arkansas 72201 Active
Leah Michele Bowen Little Rock Arkansas 72223 Retired - Voluntary Surrender 2.11.22
Melinda Amundson Tarver Little Rock AR 72211 Retired - Voluntary Surrender 10.12.2022
Patricia S. Toland Little Rock AR 72227 Voluntary Surrender
Karolyn Bond Little Rock AR 72223 Retired
Jacqueline J LaBat Little Rock AR 72227 Expired Certificate - Section 9 Regulations
Robin K. Ussery Little Rock AR 72202 Retired
Sandra Rowland Little Rock AR 72206 Active
Pamela St. Clair Little Rock AR 72227 Retired
Felecia Victoria Jacks Little Rock AR 72201 Active
Melanie Riedmueller Little Rock AR 72206 Inactive - Section 13 Rules
Denise Mack Little Rock AR 72210 Active
Carolyn S. Fant Little Rock AR 72203 Retired
Lacey Beth Quinn Little Rock AR 72211 Expired Certificate -- Section 9 Regulations 12/31/2017
Donna Kelso Little Rock AR 72207 Active
S. Lydia Williams-Heroman Little Rock AR 72206 Active
Jo Ellen Stover Little Rock AR 72207 Active
Fern Deen Kilgore Little Rock AR 72202 Retired
Molly Sanders Little Rock, AR AR 72223 Active
Sandra R. Willis Little Rock, AR AR 72206-3506 Retired - Voluntary Surrender 7.21.2023
Debra A. Westmoreland LittleRock AR 72201 Active
Kerri Seagraves London AR 72847 Active
Johna G. Roedenbeck London AR 72847 Deceased
Ashley Telaga Lonoke AR 72086 Active
Fay D. Dilbeck Lonoke AR 72086 Deceased
Donna L. Wood Lonoke AR 72086 Active
Martha Brown Lowell AR 72745 Active
Therese Olenberger Lowell AR 72745 Active
Shana Leding Lowell AR 72745 Active
Anita B. Howard Lynn AR 72440 Retired
Janess Ferguson Smith Mabelvale AR 72103 Active
Linda Parker Mabelvale AR 72103 Retired
