Court Reporters

Title Citysort descending State Zip Status
Stephanie Hendricks Batesville AR 72501 Active
Linda Hubbard Batesville AR 72503 Retired
Annette Castleberry Batesville AR 72501 Retired
Lynda Suzanne Baldwin Beebe AR 72012 Inactive - Section 13 Rules
Julieta V. Avallone Beebe AR 72012 Active
Carol Orman Goff Beebe AR 72012 Retired - Voluntary Surrender 1.10.22
Katherine Pierson Bella Vista AR 72714 Active
Teresa Fletcher Rich Bella Vista AR 72715 Retired
Barbara Hedstrom Bella Vista AR 72714 Retired
Jennifer Shepherd Benton AR 72015 Active
Jeffery S. Bennett Benton AR 72019 Active
Mary J. Bennett Benton AR 72019 Active
Sharon K. Hill Benton AR 72018 Voluntary Surrender
Shyloa Myers Benton AR 72015 Active
Donna Miller Benton AR 72015 Active
Meleah Ann Carter Benton AR 72015 Revoked
Margaret A. Lancaster Benton AR 72019 Voluntary Surrender
Sally L. Verdier Benton AR 72018 Voluntary Surrender, Retired
Kaitlin Fischer Benton AR 72015 Active
Lynsey Turbyfill Bell Benton AR 72019 Expired Certificate - Section 9 Regulations
Tammy Lea Bunt Benton AR 72015 Active
Amber White Benton AR 72015-5633 Active
Jacqueline M. Blacklaw Benton AR 72015 Expired Certificate - Section 9, Regulations
Joan (Jan) V. Brooks Benton AR 72019 Retired - Voluntary Surrender 3.30.2023
Amber Knight Bentonville AR 72712 Active
Blake Greenway Bentonville AR 72712 Active
Joanne Greenway Bentonville AR 72712 Active
Linda Spence Bentonville AR 72712 Expired Certificate - Section 9, Regulations
Sharon L. Fields Bentonville AR 72712 Discipline by consent; Voluntary Surrender of License; approved by Supreme Court on October 24, 2024, violation of Section 19(a) of the Regulations of the Board of Certified Court Reporter Examiners
Cathy Gardisser Bentonville AR 72712 Active
Allison Rasmusson Bentonville AR 72712 Active
Kellye Smith Berryville AR 72616 Retired - Voluntary Surrender 7.1.22
Lisa K. Wisdom Berryville AR 72616 Active
Lavada Arthur Bismarck AR 71929 Retired
Martha L. Richerson Bismarck AR 71929 Active
William Kisselburg Blytheville AR 72313 Active
Kimberly Brown Bono Arkansas 72416 Active
Melissa Pitts Booneville AR 72927 Active
Mary K. Beckham Broken Arrow Oklahoma 74012 Active
Monique Harsch McAllister Broken Bow OK 74728 Active
